View of the village of Castelnua Les les by Frederic Basile

View of the village of Castelnua Les les by Frederic Basile

The picture “View of the village” in another translation is called “Rural view”. It was written four years after the “Pink Dress” and is, as it were, its new edition, more, if I may say so, “impressionistic”.

Again we have a girl sitting in a light dress on a high hill, from which she can observe the panorama spread before her, framed from below by dark tree crowns. This time the landscape is more saturated, and the opening prospect is deeper, far extending into the distance.

There is a blue mirror of the river, reflecting the blue of the sky, and a sandbank that is almost bleached by the sun, and further the whitewashed houses of a small town whitened by the bright sun, and a green strip of forest on the horizon. The girl is sitting here half-turned. But this time her beautiful white face with a bright blush is addressed to the audience.

With her back, she almost touches the trunk of a pine tree, which, stretching almost to the full scale of the picture, enlivens the sky with branches and needles. The painting is written, of course, by a talented artist.

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