Venus and Cupid by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini

Venus and Cupid by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini

J. A. Pellegrini, like S. Ricci, J. Amigoni and other “virtuosos”, often painted pictures on mythological subjects. In his canvas “Venus”, the goddess of love and Cupid are depicted against the background of the landscape behind the open curtain canopy. The golden-pink tint of the body of Venus and the warmer, reddish-brown – Cupid, the bright spots of the green velvet canopy and the landscape are fused into a pleasant, unsharp color gamut.

The gesture of the goddess pointing to Amur and the whole scene, as if seen in the theater, look stressedly scenic. The artist’s pictorial skill was revealed in the writing of a fragment of the landscape shrouded in a light-air mist in the depths of the composition.

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