The Parable of the Sower by Peter Brueghel

The Parable of the Sower by Peter Brueghel

We have a spacious view from the hill. On the hill you can go down to the village. The road leads to the village church, a sharp spire which can be seen from behind the trees. On the bank of the river is the city. His tall towers echo the outlines of the rocks. The sky, bright on the left, becomes alarming, stormy over the mountains. Which country showed the artist? In the southern Netherlands, where Brueghel lived, there are hills, but there are no such high mountains.

Bruegel gathered here what seems to him the most beautiful thing on earth: the small houses of the native Dutch village, the full-flowing river that he had met on the way to Italy, the majestic Alps, the impression of which, during his trip to Italy, Brueghel will save the experience for the rest of his life.

The picture admires with nothing incomparable sense of beauty of the earth, greatness, wealth and diversity of nature, the beauty of the native country – part of this vast world.

And it is no accident that Bruegel portrayed a sower in the foreground, and below the road, green shoots of fields. Brueghel recalls here an old parable about how the seeds that have risen generously reward the sower for his work.

This idea that the main purpose of man is work, that only through his work a person can achieve unity with nature, will pass through all the work of Brueghel.

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