Tennis Player by Lotte Lazerstein

Tennis Player by Lotte Lazerstein

The painting “Tennis” – one of the most famous works of the artist. And here she is faithful and devoted friend Trout Rose. The talented athlete Trout Rose was first a tennis coach, then a favorite model and a true friend for life.

Tennis player in the picture is depicted at the time of rest, she is watching the game of other athletes. Everything in her figure breathes youth and the pleasure of playing sports. The athlete sat for a minute, her springy legs ready to jump. The calm posture emphasizes the sportiness of the figure, the hands squeeze the racket and are ready to fly up again – it is so easy to imagine yourself playing tennis.

In this picture, especially impressive colors. All shades of ocher convey a joyful sunny mood, sports excitement.

Youth, strength, sport – this is the main leitmotif of this work, and the spectator is, as it were, present on the sports ground. There, behind the net, young people play tennis, and we follow all the ups and downs of the game.

It is the moment of the viewer’s presence that gives the paintings of Lotte Lazerstein such vital authenticity. Therefore, they are so popular today and the best museums in the world and private collectors are eager to get her canvases.

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