Takinogawa in Odzi by Utagawa Hiroshige

Takinogawa in Odzi by Utagawa Hiroshige

The hill stretching from the mountains of Ueno to Asukayama was crossed by the river Syakudzigawa. The viewer has a view of the part of the river passing through the Odzi district. Due to the many waterfalls that existed here, the area was named “Seven Waterfalls”. One of them, Fudonotaki Falls, is shown on the right side of the engraving. Next to it was a canopy for pilgrims who performed ritual ablutions. Further, you can see the entrance to the grotto dedicated to the deity of Benten, it is marked by the red gates of the thorium. The sanctuary itself was located on the top of a hill. Next to it was the Congodzi monastery, commonly called Momidzidara.

The monastery and the adjacent territory were famous for their Momiji – scarlet leaves of maples, which are shown in engraving. On the left is the Maiuhashi Bridge, which is thrown across Sykudzigawa, it leads to another Shinto shrine Ozi-gongen, its yellow roof is visible to the right and to the nearby Kin-Rinji monastery. The late leaf is distinguished by the brightness of the color in general. The blue band, which occupies the foreground of the engraving, is darker in color than in the initial version. The trunks and crowns of trees stand out clearly against the background of a light yellow sky, gradually turning into a blue sky.