Scene on the grave by Vasily Perov

Scene on the grave by Vasily Perov

Russian folklore has been a source of inspiration for artists for many centuries. Before us is a pictorial interpretation of the Russian folk song about weeping for the dead. Three women at the grave: mother, sister, wife.

Inconsoling grief of the old mother, she embraces the grave of her son, as if she wants to embrace him, not to tear her from the wooden cross. Quiet and calm sadness sister. It will cure time, erase memories, comfort her grief. The grief of the young widow, breastfeeding orphan, is gone. Sly she glances at the soldier passing nearby. Only a mourning black shawl reminds of her grief, almost falling off its shoulders. Her grief is artificial, insincere.

Allegorical composition is full of symbolic sound. Behind a fresh grave, on which native people mourn, one can see several abandoned graves with broken crosses. The human memory is short, the death of a loved one, so hard experienced at first, passes over time, giving way to a new life, not interrupted for a minute. The author emphasizes the difference between her heroines by the color of their clothes: the mother is black and dark blue, the sister is light brown, the wife is white and orange. Compositionally, all the figures fit into a triangle with apex – a cross. The sky in the work is written difficult.

On the one hand, it is not perfectly clean; on the other hand, it cannot be called heavy. As if life itself, with gaps and dark spots, the sky only softens the heavy atmosphere of sorrow at the grave, bringing a touch of sad optimism. Undoubtedly attributable to the genre realistic painting, the picture in its symbolic and allegorical content is clearly written under the influence of the best examples of Western painting of the era of classicism. For this work, the artist was awarded a small gold medal of the school.

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