Among the works of F. Rokotov, the portrait of Vasily Ivanovich Maikov stands out in particular, in the guise of which insight, the ironic mind of a talented poet, can

Among the works of F. Rokotov, the portrait of Vasily Ivanovich Maikov stands out in particular, in the guise of which insight, the ironic mind of a talented poet, can
Paired portraits of V. TT, stored in the Russian Museum. Surovtseva and her husband are a wonderful example of F. S. Rokotov’s mature, sophisticated pictorial skill. The artist subordinates to
The portrait of Alexandra Struyskaya is undoubtedly the most brilliant image of an ideally beautiful woman in all Russian portraitism. Pictured is a charming young woman, full of captivating grace.
This work of F. S. Rokotov is sometimes called the first psychological portrait in Russian painting. The acuteness and completeness of the characteristics, the penetration into the spiritual essence of
Comparing the numerous facts, IG Romanycheva, Candidate of Art Criticism, asserts with confidence that “from the middle of the 1750s, Rokotov was in St. Petersburg and studied, obviously, in the
Dmitry Nikolaevich Senyavin – an outstanding Russian admiral, a member of the Russian-Turkish war and the Mediterranean march, where he was commander-in-chief of sea and land forces. At the end
The realism and concreteness of the characteristics, as well as the virtuosity of the painting manner, are also inherent in the portrait of a talented diplomat A. I. Obreskova. His
In the house of the Struysky there was a portrait of a young man with delicate features, a magnificent tie and a cape draping a figure. The image of the
Princess Anna Alexandrovna, the daughter of Alexander Fedorovich Bredikin, colonel, governor of Novgorod under Empress Anna Ioannovna, was the second wife of Prince Nikolai Alekseevich Dolgorukov.
In Rokotov’s work, a special place is occupied by an entire gallery of portraits of the Vorontsov family close to him in three generations. Praskovya Artemyevna Vorontsova is a countess,
The merit of Fyodor Stepanovich Rokotov, a magnificent artist of the end of the 18th century, was the creation of an intimate, chamber-like type of portrait revealing the inner world
“Portrait of A. A. Kurakina” and “Portrait of I. B. Kurakin” – were received in the collection from the famous collection of princes Kurakin. “Portrait of I. B. Kurakin” acted
Fedor Stepanovich Rokotov is one of the greatest Russian portrait painters of the second half of the 18th century. The ceremonial portrait of Empress Catherine Alekseevna was written by him
Buturlina Anna Artemyevna, the second daughter of Count Artemy Ivanovich Vorontsov and Countess Praskovya Fedorovna, nee Kvashnina-Samarina. In 1793 she married her second cousin, Count Dmitry Petrovich Buturlin. Contemporaries noted
At first glance, the face Novosiltseva restrained, cold and arrogant. But it is necessary to overcome this chill of alienation and look at the face of a woman more attentively
This portrait entered the Russian Museum as an image of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich. On the back of the canvas there is a stamped old note, which testifies that in
This is the second portrait from the pair portrait of the Struys couple – the wife of Nikolai Struysky. The couple was unhappy in marriage, perhaps because Struysky was a
Nikita Akinfievich, distinguished by his love of science and patronized scientists and artists. He published the Journal of Traveling in Other Lands, in which there are many correct comments pointing
Ivan Ivanovich Baryatinsky – the son of the famous diplomat I. S. Baryatinsky. At one time, a well-known angloman and agronomist, a large landowner. He was Russian ambassador at the
Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, well-bred, who knew foreign languages well, in 1742, 22 years old, was taken to the court of Elizaveta Petrovna and seven years later became the favorite of
Rokotov wrote an elderly man with all the high-ranking regalia of a state councilor. But behind external parade he does not hide the anxious dissatisfaction of the personality of a