Portrait of Countess E. V. Santi by Fedor Rokotov

Portrait of Countess E. V. Santi by Fedor Rokotov

The merit of Fyodor Stepanovich Rokotov, a magnificent artist of the end of the 18th century, was the creation of an intimate, chamber-like type of portrait revealing the inner world of a person.

The fate of Elizabeth Vasilievna Lachinova, the daughter of a simple military brigadier, seemed to be successful. She married the rich Count Santi and began to occupy a higher position in society. The branded rokotovskaya half-smile, which is present in the image of the countess, marks all the portraits created by the artist, pointing to the mystery, the mystery of the personality of each model that posed to the master.

Filled in melting tones, exquisite colors – ashy-smoky with olive-pink tints – the picture shows a high degree of coloristic talent and taste of Rokotov.

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