Portrait of Sir Gregory Page-Turner by Pompeo Batoni

Portrait of Sir Gregory Page Turner by Pompeo Batoni

Painting of the Italian painter Pompeo Batoni “Portrait of Sir Gregory Page-Turner”. The size of the portrait is 135 x 99 cm, canvas, oil. The most complete and complete expression of the realistic trends in painting and creativity Batoni found in the portrait genre. Being classical in style, the works of the master of neoclassicism are distinguished by the skill and accuracy of the drawing.

Batoni was also an outstanding draftsman, and drawings of antique antiquities are the most valuable part of his graphic heritage. Models in the portraits of the Batoni brush are usually located on the background of antique vases, sarcophagi, ancient ruins, statues, columns, although in some works of the Italian painter the neutral background prevails. Batoni can not be ranked among the greatest artists, however the artist’s painting is elegant, perfect in form and harmonious in color.

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