Portrait of Igor Stravinsky by Pablo Picasso

Portrait of Igor Stravinsky by Pablo Picasso

From Naples, I returned to Rome and spent a wonderful week with Lord Berners. After that, it was necessary to return to Switzerland, and I will never forget the adventure that happened to me at the border in Chiasso. I was carrying with me my portrait, shortly before Picasso painted.

When the military authorities began to inspect my luggage, they stumbled upon this drawing and never wanted to miss it. I was asked what it was, and when I said that it was my portrait, painted by one very famous artist, they didn’t believe me: “This is not a portrait, but a plan,” they said. “Yes, this is the plan of my face, and not something else,” I assured. However, I failed to convince these gentlemen.

All these altercations took a lot of time, I was late for my train, and I had to stay in Chiasso until the next morning. As for my portrait, I had to send it to the British Embassy in Rome in the name of Lord Berners, who later forwarded it to me in Paris by diplomatic mail.