Book illustration Golubeyn carried away in Basel, which was in his time one of Europe’s largest centers of printing. In total, the artist created more than 400 drawings, after which

Book illustration Golubeyn carried away in Basel, which was in his time one of Europe’s largest centers of printing. In total, the artist created more than 400 drawings, after which
The title of a court painter required from Golubeyn intensive work in applied art. There are numerous drawings of the artist, which are sketches of various objects – from the
English King Henry VIII, with whom he linked his fate Holbein, was an extremely controversial figure. Nature generously endowed Heinrich, endowed with excellent abilities for languages, sciences and especially music.
“The Passion of the Lord in gray tones” are considered one of the main creations of Hans Holbein the Elder. The cycle was named after the gray monochrome color scheme,
The ceremonial portrait of the French ambassadors Jean de Danteville and Georges de Selva is one of the greatest and most magnificent paintings of Hans Holbein the Younger, created during
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey – the famous sings, aristocrat, one of the founders of English Renaissance poetry was the son of Thomas Howard Surrey, the IIIrd Duke of Norfolk,
Holbein created a number of majestic frescoes in Basel, Lucerne and London, but all of them have not survived to this day. Only small fragments of mural paintings remained unscathed.
“The Passion of the Lord in gray tones” are considered one of the main creations of Hans Holbein the Elder. The cycle was named after the gray monochrome color scheme,
On the portrait of King Henry VIII, we see a clever, powerful, confident man, not devoid of charm, gloss and charm. His eyes read cold calculation, and tightly compressed small
Thomas More is the greatest Renaissance humanist, famous statesman, jurist, writer, author of the word and concept of Utopia. Thomas Mohr was born on February 7, 1478, in the family
Margaret White – Lady Lee was the sister of the famous court poet Sir Thomas White. She and her sister Mary were the maids of honor of Queen Anne Boleyn,
Katharine Howard – the fifth wife of King Henry VIII. Kaznena on charges of adultery. Descended from the noblest kind of Howards. After the death of her mother, Lady Kate
Hans Holbein paid much attention to the transfer of properties of plastic objects, the formation of light. He was attracted by the materials that were made of them depicted things.