Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

This creation has become a symbol of Western European art. A masterpiece within a masterpiece hit the whole world. Giorgio Vasari said that the painting was created by Michelangelo, like God himself, and not a mere mortal hand.

Excellent folded Adam deprived of vital energy, remains stationary, at a time when the figure of God surrounded by angels hovering in the sky, slowly approaching his body. Adam’s hand limply located on the knee. Creator pulls the hand to breathe life into his creation, and almost touched his fingers to the finger of Adam.

Yes, yes, he does not touch him, and almost touches while maintaining very tiny gap, which gives the film tension and fascination. Spectators thus covers the visual effect similar to an electric discharge. We think that one more moment, and divine energy fill a body of Adam.

“Creation of Adam” is part of a set of paintings of the Sistine Chapel. In all the work it took little more than two years. It was created from 1508 to 1512 years. First, the artist thought to depict the apostles on thrones.

Later, in 1523, Michelangelo wrote that in his letter convinced Julius II in the insolvency of such a plan, as a result received full freedom of imagination. On the side walls of the viewer can see the era and the era of the Law of Grace, the ceiling painting is dedicated to the beginning of human history, as described in Genesis.

Scenes split into 3 triads.

1. Creation of the World

2. Creation of Adam and Eve’s temptation, and then the expulsion from paradise

3. The story of Noah

This painting can be interpreted in different ways. Since it is written in the papal chapel, then its value should be orthodox, but also to all other Renaissance embodied the idea in it.

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