Creation of Adam and terrestrial animals by Paolo Uccello

Creation of Adam and terrestrial animals by Paolo Uccello

The order for the murals in the church of Santa Maria Novella was one of the most prestigious orders among all Uccello’s ever received. Now the arcade of the church, on which the master worked, is called “Green arcade”, because the dominant color in all the murals that are here is green. In addition to Uccello, other artists worked on the wall paintings in the church of Santa Maria Novella, and since we did not get the documents of the time in which anything was said about these paintings, the authorship of Uccello had to be established according to some later sources.

It is believed that the hero of our release worked on frescoes for the “Earth arcade” in two “receptions” – first in the middle of the 1430s, and then in the late 1440s or early 1450s. The 1430s were marked by the creation of the series “The Creation of the World”, and the 1440-50s – the series “The World Flood.” From the first series, the most famous is the fresco “The Creation of Adam and Earth Animals”. On the next page there is another fresco from this series – Noah’s Sacrifice and intoxication. Especially noteworthy here is the grille, twined with vines.

From the photographs, you can easily see how much the frescoes of the “Green Arcade” suffered greatly from the time. Some of them are lost almost completely. Nevertheless, even in this form the murals of the church of Santa Maria Novella produce an indelible impression on the viewer.

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