Mesalians by Lucas Cranach

The painting “Mesalians” was created by the artist Lucas Cranach the Elder after the 30th year of the 16th century. It also has a different name “Payback”. The size of

Resting nymph by Lucas Cranach

The picture “Resting nymph” or otherwise “Nymph source” artist Lucas Cranach wrote in the 1530’s. The size of the work is 77 x 121.5 cm, wood, oil. After the first

Eden by Lucas Cranach

The Christian religion says that God created as the first man. so he made sure that a man lived freely on the earth, and created in the east a paradise

Calvary by Lucas Cranach

The artist depicts Calvary in an unusual perspective. He shifts the traditional emotional and semantic center, crucifixion, aside and writes Christ almost in profile, and the face of one of

Lucretia by Lucas Cranach

Lucas Cranach the Elder created many paintings on antique subjects. These cabinet pictures were intended for the Kunstkammer, grandees or patricians and corresponded to the tastes of the German aristocracy.