Portrait of Duke Henry the Pious and his wife Catherine of Mecklenburg by Lucas Cranach

Portrait of Duke Henry the Pious and his wife Catherine of Mecklenburg by Lucas Cranach

The official and lush portraits include ceremonial wedding portraits of the Saxon Duke Henry the Pious and his wife Catherine of Mecklenburg.

Portraits of the Duke of Saxony and his wife are written in tall in luxurious clothes and perform on a black background, sparkling with bright colors. The huge dog behind the duke, and the lapdog at the feet of the duchess symbolize matrimonial fidelity.

In this double portrait, the colorful decorativeness of their luxurious costumes is striking. The combination of gold, pink and green in men’s clothing of the then fashionable cut with numerous slits gives the impression of a peculiar ornament. However, the face of the Duke is executed in a completely different manner. The artist is full of attention to his individual features of Henry the Pious – broad cheekbones, tightly compressed lips, a determined look of gray eyes. In him there is a persistent strong-willed character of the Renaissance man. This is indicated by a gesture – the hand seems to snatch the sword from its scabbard.

In the portrait of Katerina Mecklenburg, the artist conveyed subtleties of nuances, the play of light and shadow. The feathers on the hat of the duchess are airy, they are frozen, but Catherine should move slightly, change her posture and feathers will be swayed. Precious jewelry is bulky and bulky, the fabric of the dress is heavy and this texture of the material we feel, so skillfully it was conveyed by the painter.

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