Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane by Vasily Perov

Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane by Vasily Perov

It is human nature to strive for the spiritual, to seek support in it. So V. G. Perov, depicting Christ, at the moment when he was both weak and strong at the same time, wanted not only to introduce a part of the Lord’s life, but also try to contribute to the spiritual heritage. What is the plot shown on the canvas? How do I evaluate the work of the creator?

The interesting thing is that this night is before the public execution of Jesus Christ. It seems that there is such silence in the garden, that the words of the Lord, his prayer and crying, spread like a wave. But she cannot wake anyone up, since the city seen in the background of the picture is far away, and the disciples who came with their Master sleep soundly. So tightly that the artist decides not to depict their images at all, as if they are not there. Indeed, they cannot be supporting Christ at the moment. This is only his burden, which must be brought to the end. And now, the end is near. And it became prohibitively difficult. And not so physical fear makes Jesus feel weak, like an emotional strain. What a painter and tried to portray.

As a witness of the sufferings of Christ there is only a gentle white flower, which Perov represents as a symbol of the purity and quivering of the moment. Most of all I liked the way the artist decides to approach the image on the canvas of the details in the appearance of the Lord. As if realizing his insignificance in front of such a person, he does not dare to take the liberty to show his face. So, for those who want to see in the picture a means for worship, it does not represent a certain value. This is how the great painter approached his soullessly modest soul.

The picture for me personally opened a new facet of spirituality, when not to search for fame for one’s name, but in order to give all people a little faith and knowledge, a masterpiece is created.

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