Cain by Anton Losenko

Cain by Anton Losenko

During this period, Losenko paid a lot of attention to the picturesque sketches of the naked body; as a result, the famous canvases “Abel” and “Cain” appeared. They affected not only the ability to accurately convey the anatomical features of the human body, but also the ability to communicate to them the richness of pictorial shades inherent in living nature.

As a true representative of classicism, Losenko portrayed Cain like a sketch of a nude model. This reporting pensioner work Losenko, exhibited at a public exhibition of the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1770. Judging by the reports of A. P. Losenko, it was written in Rome, from March to September 1768.

The name “Cain” received in the XIX century. The second picture, called “Abel”, is in the Kharkov Museum of Fine Arts. Cain and Abel are the sons of Adam and Eve. According to the biblical myth, the eldest, Cain, cultivated the land, the youngest – Abel, herded the flock. Abel’s bloody gift was pleasing to God, Cain’s sacrifice rejected. Jealous of his brother, Cain killed him.

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