The Exit of Christ with His Disciples from the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane by Nicholas Ge

The Exit of Christ with His Disciples from the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane by Nicholas Ge

All sat in deep sorrow and silence. On the night of Thursday to Friday, Jesus, with eleven disciples, went to the Garden of Gethsemane, which was at the foot of the Mount of Olives. And at that time Judas was already rushing to the house of the high priest Caiaphas…

25 years after the creation of the “Last Supper” the artist Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge will write another picture, which was its direct continuation, “The Exit of Christ with His Disciples from the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane”.

“Behold, the hour is coming, and it has already come that you will be scattered each to your side and leave me alone”, is written in the Gospel of John. But how to translate this dramatic moment of loneliness and premonition of doom into painting? Imagination of the artist painted Christ with broken hands, with an expression of despair on his face… But it was not the same. He will express the feeling of oppressive uncertainty in the cold, “mournful” colors of the canvas, in the measured steps of figures disappearing in the dark. Masterfully conveyed the slow rhythm of the funeral procession eloquently reminds us that there is not and can not be a way out of the closed circle. The gloomy tone of the picture accurately and emotionally convey the loneliness of Christ, still surrounded by people.

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