A Girl Against Persian Carpet by Mikhail Vrubel

A Girl Against Persian Carpet by Mikhail Vrubel

A girl on the background of the Persian carpet – one of the beautiful works of the famous artist Mikhail Vrubel.

Before the spectator there is a colorful, bright picture. In the center of the canvas is a young girl, she looks 12-13 years old. A girl of pronounced Eastern nationality, she has dark skin, dark eyes and black thick long hair. The girl has a bright, colorful satin dress – it is overloaded with both color and shape, which is typical for the most part for gypsy national clothes. The whole picture is filled with a rather gloomy light – this is due to the fact that due to a violation of the technique of drying the paint on the canvas they eventually darkened and faded.

Behind the girl’s back hangs a large and bright Persian carpet. It is embroidered with oriental patterns and flowers. The carpet is very large, it falls heavily on the floor, on which the girl sits. The hair of the girl is curled, they are not packed in the hair, but fall easily and freely on the shoulders of the child. The girl has dark thick brows and large eyes with thick eyelashes. The girl’s face expresses sadness and fatigue.

On the neck of the child a few heavy strands of pearls, which in a few turns wrap around a thin young neck. Under the weight of these beads, the neck seems to be about to break. Hands of the child are decorated with expensive large rings and rings with natural stones. Such decorations are incommensurable with the age of the girl, she looks deliberately luxurious and completely ridiculous.

The hands of the girl are folded so that one of them covers a rose of pink color – a symbol of love. Hands crossed on the hips, and the second hand of the girl holds a dagger, richly decorated with precious and semiprecious stones – the inevitable symbol of death. The girl herself is an indisputable symbol of life, like a child for whom life is only ahead, as well as a woman, inside of which a new life has sprung.

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