Triptych on the theme of TS Eliot’s poem by Francis Bacon

Triptych on the theme of TS Eliots poem by Francis Bacon

His work Francis Bacon called “Triptych on the theme of TS Eliot’s poem.” Many artists addressed the work of the English poet-romanticist, decadent and fatalist, his poem “The Bad Land” and others inspired not only Bacon, English artist Raphaella Spence wrote a beautiful painting “The Flight of Eliot,” a bright, cheerful.

What Francis Bacon wanted to convey to our consciousness, looking at his triptych, is difficult to say. Open to the blue space door, curved large mirrors, a lot of strange mass of human bodies and even something bloodied in the central part of the triptych. Honestly, the painting of Francis Bacon is designed for a great and, not unimportant, very rich connoisseur of his creativity.