The Peasant (Kosar) by Kazimir Malevich

The Peasant (Kosar) by Kazimir Malevich

A large, full-figure canvas looks attentively at the viewer, there is no way to evade dialogue. There is a feeling of movement from left to right, as if the person stopped for a moment to address us. Moreover, the boundaries between the space of the picture and ours are blurred. The viewer becomes a contemporary and an accomplice of the character.

The figure of a kostsa is a bit like an iconographic approach with its frontality, flatness,. Although a vertical format canvas is taken, there is no aspiration upwards; on the contrary, the character has a strong peasant figure, it is more connected with the land than with the sky. K. Malevich enhances the power of the mower, emphasizing certain geometric forms with a tonal stretch.

Mowing means acting, changing something. The time of revolutionary change, revaluation of values. Red color, the color of passion, life, for a long time it will take the main place in the country. White and black cover the figure of a mower, as two opposite beginnings: the eternal and perishable, good and evil, chaos and harmony, and the reflections of gold show the spiritual nature of man.

Interestingly, yellow and red glow inside. And the man and all the space around are full of life, this is all the creative element. The whole world is like a field of activity.