Creativity of this Russian painter, according to many historians and critics, is characterized by this kind of landscapes. Like many of his other paintings, the painting “First Snow” Popov dedicated to the life of a provincial town. According to critics, this picture has psychologism and conciseness.
If you pay attention, the picture is painted in gray, yellow and white shades, but even the grayness of colors does not overshadow the feeling that arose not only joy, but also fun. The paints seemed transparent and delicate to me, and in the combination that the artist used them give us the opportunity to feel the beginning of winter with its frosty and clear air.
Looking at the picture, it seemed to me that I was in the house, and I looked out the window from the second or third floor, and maybe even higher. For me, it was as if I had a review of the snow-covered street with low houses, which the artist painted in yellow, most likely to show us their antiquity and old age. Also, the old balconies and protruding windows speak of the old age of these houses. Clean, white snow hides dirt in the fall, and in the snow you can even see the reflections of the sun.
In the foreground, three figures of girls are drawn; for some reason, the artist depicted them dancing. We can only think of that their dance is nothing but a manifestation of joy, about the first snow that fell out. With their perky round dance they seem to draw us into their atmosphere of joy and fun. The background works occupy high houses, and you can even see the silhouettes of plants. Trees grow to the right, and some of them have not yet lost their entire foliage.
Despite the fact that the artist painted on his landscape an overcast sky, its white snow, gives joy and a sense of celebration, that gray and muddy autumn is left behind, many winter joys are ahead, and then the beginning of a new life, the onset of spring.