Portrait of a Boy by Pinturicchio

Portrait of a Boy by Pinturicchio

Bernardino di Betto Biagio is a representative of the Umbrian Renaissance school, known as a master of monumental-decorative painting. He was attracted to the design of the Sistine Chapel, in which Michelangelo’s ambitious work subsequently unfolded.

Pinturicchio’s frescoes are multi-figured, full of curious details, they are interesting to consider as scenes. Great importance the artist attached to the landscape. The view on the “Portrait of a boy” is beautiful too. Not a lot of Pinturicchio’s easel works reached us. “Portrait of a boy” is one of the best works of the master.

A clearly delineated half-figure of a child appears in the background of a distant landscape. Attention attracts the hero’s face – it is thoughtful and childishly serious, the inquisitive look of clear eyes is fixed on the viewer. The entire look of the model is spiritual, and the landscape adds to this mood harmonious emotional overtones.

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