October (Autumn) by Isaac Levitan

October (Autumn) by Isaac Levitan

The painting “October”, written by I. Levitan, depicts a birch grove. Some trees are already lost foliage, others still delight us with bright orange colors. The artist conveyed the atmosphere of sadness and despondency. The picture causes real sadness and longing.

The half-naked trees, like enchanted guards, yellowed grass with dry dark flowers create a far from joyful atmosphere, all of which end with a gloomy sky covered with thick clouds. This color scheme was specifically used to display the tension of this landscape. Perhaps the author reflected the state of his soul – alarming, as in this picture.

The special drama is visible in the dull, gloomy sky, here the artist uses gray-blue shades. It seems that a little rain is coming now or already. The golden foliage on some birches may already be wet, and on the faded grass it is as if dew drops glisten.

Together with the sky, crying and all nature, sad on warm and sunny days, on beautiful clothes. The picture no longer felt the singing of birds, the rustling of grass – everything froze in anticipation of cold and frost. More recently, autumn was like a luxurious lady, now it is a miserable old woman. Although now only October. Soon all this will not be so beautiful and irresistible, strong winds and endless rains will take the last leaves from the trees.

The landscape depicted in the picture by I. Levitan is a definite confirmation that beauty is not eternal.

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