Late autumn by Isaac Levitan

Late autumn by Isaac Levitan

The next superb landscape of I. I. Levitan is Late Autumn. This time of year is the most favorite for the author. Naturally, it is impossible to pass by the beauty of autumn with its variety of colors of fading nature.

The painting was painted in a typical painterly manner of a gloomy landscape. Nature is depicted as it is, without too much gloss. The author showed twilight, and clouds formed in the sky. Most likely, it is raining and it may be more than one day, since a fairly large puddle has formed in the foreground. Yellow leaves fell into a puddle; they are like ships, walking down children along the first spring streams. The fields have been removed; a haystack standing nearby proves this.

The landscape is in anticipation and tension – winter will come soon. Birch trees have already lost their foliage, it seems that they are frozen, therefore they are more closely pressed to each other. Forest in anticipation of frost, cold, the first snow. A little more and this bright picture will replace the monotonous white snow-covered plain.

In the background we see evergreen spruces, as well as other trees with yellowed leaves. The grass is the same: yellow and faded. The sky is very cloudy and hopeless.

From the picture is a very gloomy general impression. Landscape perceive very hard. The author uses the dark tones in the writing of the work, it is worth a good look to see the small details of the landscape. In the picture there is no riot of colors, but it is she who can clearly reflect the present state of the autumn nature, without any extra embellishment.

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