Madonna Cassini by Masaccio

Madonna Cassini by Masaccio

The image of the Madonna and Child Masaccio appealed repeatedly. For example, the artist gave the main role to this image, depicting him on the central panel of the triptych in the church of San Jovenal. Masaccio also owns the painting “St. Anna with the Madonna and Child”, 1424.

With a different degree of authenticity of the artist’s brush, several more images of the Madonna and Child are ascribed, the best is now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. This is the “Madonna of Cassini”, which is also called the “Tickling Madonna”, since the Virgin Mary is depicted here tickling little Jesus under the chin.

This work became known only in 1947, it was found among the works of art stolen by the Nazis in different countries during the Second World War. On the back of the board, restorers found the fingerprints of Antonio Cassini, who became a cardinal in 1426. The conducted studies allow us to relate the picture to this period.

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