Landscape with skiers by Konstantin Yuon

Landscape with skiers by Konstantin Yuon

Famous artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yoona many know exactly by his paintings about the ancient cities and their way of life. His favorite places were the cities of Rostov the Great and Troitsko-Sergius Lavra. But there are also simple pictures in his performance, such as “Landscape with skiers”.

The author showed a beautiful and spacious view of winter forests and fields. Far away, in the distance of the picture stands a mighty, dense, pine forest. Where blond birches are seen nowhere. Above the forest there were big, heavy, leaden clouds. That’s it, and with them sprinkled snow. But even such dark and scary they do not frighten vacationing skiers.

The foreground of the picture shows us a large slope, covered with white snow. On it the children have fun, skiing. Two boys beautifully and gracefully began their descent. It is evident that they are not the first time to ride and know how to do it. One boy almost finished descending, and the other was surely headed up to start again. Another couple lingered below. Apparently, the comrade has fallen, having lost skis, and friends cheerfully start to collect all. Two small dogs are watching closely. One redhead, runs on the slope, and another dark man sits and watches the boys.

This picture, like all the winter landscapes of Yuon, is permeated with joy and happiness. A good mood does not depend on the weather, it comes from the heart.

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