Landscape with crew and train in the background (Landscape in Auvers after rain) by Vincent Van Gogh

Landscape with crew and train in the background (Landscape in Auvers after rain) by Vincent Van Gogh

Painting “Landscape in the Over after the rain” Van Gogh wrote shortly before his death in the small town of Auvers-sur-Oise.

In the painting, the artist captured the green fields with plowed fields. Due to the high horizon line, the expanses seem endless. Van Gogh writes the landscape from a very high point of view, and the viewer has the impression that he is hovering over the earth, overlooking the beautiful landscapes from above. Delicate green-blue tones in the foreground turn yellowish, and under the blue sky the fields look serene.

On their background, red roofs of houses are fun. On the left, in the distance, there are small trees covered with light transparent foliage. In the middle of the picture is depicted a wagon, distinguished by red-orange tones. Apparently, it just rained, so it reflects on the wet surface of the road.

The picture is written in rapid, uneven strokes. Slightly careless manner, typical for Van Gogh, can not be better suited for this work. It only strengthens the feeling of serenity of naive, childish joy.

Despite the tragedy of the last months of Van Gogh’s life, the landscape is filled with love for life. Full of light and purity, he breathes the atmosphere of a fresh summer day.

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