Great Bathers by Pierre Auguste Renoir

Great Bathers by Pierre Auguste Renoir

The painting “Big Bathers” Auguste Renoir wrote about four years, from 1883 to 1887. The artist was a renowned woman lover and a great connoisseur of the beauty of the female body, always trying to convey to the audience this sense of beauty.

This work is perhaps the most expressive and popular in the artist’s collection. Specifically on this picture, Renoir worked for more than one year, drawing one by one draft versions, creating sketches and sketches. He worked out the image and body of each heroine in advance, bringing each of them to the ideal; their bodies really look amazing.

Auguste Renoir never concealed his passion for women. He considered the ideal of beauty to be a plump body and voluminous female forms, which were also a sign of the girl’s maturity and her readiness for love.

This picture depicts three charming nude young girls resting on the shore of the reservoir. Two of them have already come out of the water and bask in the warm gentle sun. Girls can not be called slim, but it is to their plump, tender bodies that all viewer’s attention is riveted. They belong just in time to that age when they become desirable and begin to desire themselves. Each of the girls, of course, guesses about her beauty and sometimes they themselves admire their charming forms.

The third girl is still in the water. If you carefully consider her, you will notice that she is much younger than the other two bathers, her time has not come yet. She has not yet matured, and in her the light of childish enthusiasm is still burning. The girl holds her hands in the water, wanting to spray her friends sitting on the beach. She, like all children, wants to grow up quickly, so she tries to spend more time with adult girls, thinking that this will help her to feel older. In the background you can see two girls who are even younger. Their childlike slenderness intentionally remained in the background, without attracting attention.

For the picture “Big Bathers” Renoir posed two famous women. The one on the left is Alina Sharigo, the future wife of the artist, whom he married when their child was already five years old. The second lady sitting on the shore is Suzanne Valadon. She often worked as a model at Renoir, after which, inspired by his work, she herself became a famous artist. Her son followed in her footsteps.

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