Frog princess by Ivan Bilibin

Frog princess by Ivan Bilibin

Ivan Bilibin paid much attention to illustrating fairy tales, in this he achieved outstanding successes.

Since 1899, he begins to create cycles of illustrations in different styles for fairy tales. The artist creatively approached the comprehension of each fairy story, bringing in them his zest.

One of the most famous series of illustrations by Ivan Bilibin is a series of illustrations to the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.” Perhaps the brightest scene of this famous fairy tale is the meeting between Ivan the Tsarevich and the frog. The background of the picture are numerous shades of green, which give a special sincerity to the action. The artist prepares the reader for the fact that the fairy tale will necessarily win good, so the picture radiates happiness and positive emotions.

Illustration of Ivan Bilibin to the tale “The Frog Princess” is distinguished by the accuracy of drawing suits corresponding to their time. Ivan is dressed in a traditional caftan, a green hat and boots, and the frog is holding an arrow in his paw and looks intently at his savior. The artist paid much attention to the expression of faces of the heroes of the painting: every emotion is clearly visible – fun, sadness, surprise. It can be seen with what love Bilibin relates to both the fairy tale and her characters.

Many generations grew up in the fairy tales illustrated by Ivan Bilibin, his works are appreciated by many art lovers, which makes him truly a great artist.

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