Before the storm by Fedor Vasilyev

Before the storm by Fedor Vasilyev

A wonderful Russian painter – landscape painter FA Vasiliev, after living a short life, left behind a rich heritage. His works are delighted with ease, lyricism. Special transparency.

Perhaps the favorite plot of the writer was nature before the storm or after it. Each of them traces a special state of drama, the curing of all living things in anticipation of a thunderstorm.

The painting “Before the Thunderstorm” became a kind of creative outcome of the writer’s journey through the Volga. The picture is made in gray-gold tones. The approaching thunderstorm is indicated by the blue clouds that cover the sky. However, the sun’s rays making their way through them fill the picture with a joyful expectation. Just like in childhood, when the first thunder and large drops of rain cause delight.

There is a suspicious expectation in nature, everything seems to be listening, afraid to miss the beginning of the storm.

In the foreground of the picture the viewer sees a lodge sinking in the trees and hidden half by the hills. People rush to her. It is interesting that the artist managed to portray them as part of nature. Their appearance here is compositionally logical, they emphasize the general mood of the work.

Two small figures, lost among the fields, barely discernible, merging with it. But in fact, in fact, FA Vasiliev managed to enclose a huge philosophical meaning in these figures: man is an invariable part of nature, a small grain of sand on the earth. However, the “grain of sand” is not in a pejorative concept. Thus, the artist notes the relationship of man and nature.

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