The Crucifixion by Jacopo Bassano

In the late 1550’s, Bassano leaves the Mannerist experiences and returns to the Renaissance, broad and expressive, manner of writing. Judging by the works of the early 1560s, the return

Harvest by Jacopo Bassano

Rural scenes – this is perhaps the most original part of the creative heritage of Bassano. They are undoubtedly connected with the pastoral tendency “that began in the Venetian school

Escape to Egypt by Jacopo Bassano

In Flight to Egypt “the mannerist motifs sound, perhaps even more distinctly, than the Madonna and the Child and John the Baptist.” Particularly in Parmigian’s way, the images of the

August by Jacopo Bassano

The heyday of the Bassano workshop dates back to the 1570s. At this time, out of it came out a myriad of rural scenes for biblical and allegorical stories, and