Wild Red Grapes by Edvard Munch

Wild Red Grapes by Edvard Munch

In the picture “Wild Red Grapes”, the viewer’s attention is attracted primarily by the gray-green face in the first plane, and then the glance rushes to the house itself, located in the depths of the compositional space.

“The expression of fright on the man’s elongated face,” Stanislav Przybyshevsky wrote, “his wandering gaze and strange skin color create an exciting, stressful atmosphere that prepares us for the main shock – the huge house twined with wild grapes.

This house seems to be an animated character: he suffers and suffers in blood-red bonds and hard, as if from the last strength, breathes with all his windows. Red paint, as if flowing freely from the surface of the picture, again brings us back to the image of a person in the foreground distraught with fear.

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