Why are you angry? by Paul Gauguin

Why are you angry? by Paul Gauguin

Cloth “Why are you angry?” was written by Paul Gauguin in 1896, the very period when he moved permanently to Tahiti and devoted himself to creativity. It was then that they wrote a large number of genre works about the life of the islanders. In his collection there were interesting pictures, representing a silent dialogue between the characters. They turned into works – narratives about how the Tahitians talk with each other and solve everyday problems. To such canvases are “Are you jealous?” and presented here – “Why are you jealous.”

The work deserves our attention already in that it is executed in an amazing technique of sliding writing. Despite the fact that Gauguin pial oil, the texture of the paint is weightless and thin. One color flows into the other and lies very evenly. The color is taken in warm, friendly tones. The artist focused on the spots of yellow. Thus, the individual planes of the picture were combined into a single whole. The green palette practically lives in pure color, only here and there is combined with cold blue and ocher. If you look into it, Gauguin was very fond of pure contrasting colors, although Impressionism used multicolor as the basis for even displaying one particular subject.

Let’s return to the plot. Everything is natural here. The artist laid out in the context of the life of the Tahitian village. In a particular case, the basis of the plan is a certain moment of the relations of the inhabitants. Even the name of the work speaks about this. Unfortunately, it is difficult to understand which of the characters is in a bad mood, but we can assume that this is the woman that stands to the right of seated heroines. This conclusion arises from the proudly raised head of the character, strict posture, the strained position of the body, while the girl with her bare chest tucked her head and shoulders down, doomed. Dilute the negative scene other actors and individual representatives of the fauna – red chicken and a flock of chickens.

Gauguin paid attention to the peculiarities of the plant world of Tahiti to the arrangement of the village itself. Pay attention to the red sand of the path, the bamboo building, the fragmentation of structures, unhurried management of the inhabitants themselves. The scene in the work seems very homey and touching. Let’s hope that the heroes will reconcile and everything will be fine.