Three Tahitians by Paul Gauguin

Three Tahitians by Paul Gauguin

… How close, your call comes close – Prior to the commandments of the family and the primary – Oceanic low pearls And Tahitians meek baskets… OE Mandelstam Tahitian women on Paul Gauguin’s canvas became symbolic of the personification of all that connected the artist with the warmth of the mother’s hands and the smell of her hair. Having spent childhood in the motherland of his mother in Peru, colorful pictures of exotic landscapes and no less amazing population, forever sunk into Gauguin’s memory.

This left a certain imprint on the style of his writing and subjects. “Three Tahitians” is a work that the author created under the impression of a long life on the islands of Oceania after moving from European reality. This is a product of the late period of his work and one of many dedications to the beauty of the tuzemok.

Gauguin did not deprive his work of unique scenery in the compartment with the impression of color and the density of colors. The artist managed, as always, to turn the plot into a bright palette. He, as a follower of Impressionism, in every possible way avoided black resinous colors, so the plot turned out to be too colorful, and not obtrusive. Taitians of Gauguin are swarthy muse of his creativity. With special sensitivity the author of their body sand color has registered. Practically boyish physique of graces in the hands of the master turned into a trembling feature of the islanders.

The artist brightly displayed juicy textile linens, in which girls are wrapped. Fabrics – a special attribute of the folk art of Tahiti. They signed by hand and painted with natural colors, while color played a special role in the emotional mood of the inhabitants of the island. Despite the heat, which is associated with the inhabitants of the island of French Polynesia, Tahiti – a comfortable place where the degree does not exceed the mark “30”. This is evidenced by the cool palette of the picture. This is an abundance of lilac and lilac cool colors. It is a blurry transparent green, water with a blue, blue shadows of trees.

It is a saving shadow under the dense green of trees. The very heroines of the plot are a bit stiff, while completely shamed and do not disguise their nudity. Two of the young girlfriends – in red cloths – shy “deer”, modest in their poses, hide the body from the artist, turning his back. They are amazingly beautiful in their exotic and fantastic difference with European beauties. We can say that it is a delicacy of female beauty and femininity, tart and sharp to the taste.

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