Village Khmelevka by Nikolay Romadin

Village Khmelevka by Nikolay Romadin

I recently saw this picture, and could not pass by. None of the artists who have ever been on the Volga at least once could not remain indifferent without drawing at least the nature that surrounds that area. The author created this work in 1944, this canvas was one of the best canvases in the cycle about the Volga River. My attention was attracted by the boundlessness of the steppes, with what a wide expanse the artist depicts this area. In the picture we see a small village. And this village is not much different from other villages.

The artist uses warm colors, here we will not see bright colors. On the canvas season – autumn. We see that the artist put a small field and birch trees on the foreground, on which the foliage began to turn yellow, the grass on the ground has already begun to dry out and does not look a juicy-selenium color. Behind, the village huts begin, at first not very often, but the further our view of the picture goes, the closer the houses are pressed to each other. The gardens were deserted, people gathered the fruits of the past summer, and began to prepare for the cold weather. Behind the houses, the bank of the famous Volga River goes to horizon. It is looking at the Volga, it seems the infinity of the picture

In my opinion, the artist painted his picture, standing on a hill. And looking at her we seem to be close to the artist. I wanted to be on this hillock for a minute to personally see all this beauty. It is likely that for the liveliness of the picture I did not have enough bright colors. I would have depicted the summer smoothly turning into autumn. Diluted the landscape with green paint. Undoubtedly, the author’s idea was a success. Having closed your eyes, you unwittingly imagine how you are running along this field. Having reached the outskirts of the village, I want to touch the water, touch and feel all its cool current. I am grateful to the author for the fact that his picture induces to think and reason.

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