Village Holiday by Kustodiev

Village Holiday by Kustodiev

Unlike other kustodievskikh holidays, this does not look riotous and noisy. Most likely, we face a village wedding or engagement. Wide panorama includes several groups. Owners of the holiday gathered near the cart.

Apparently, the conversation is businesslike, organizational issues are being discussed. Near a group of boys, busy playing. In the center, undoubtedly, the guests of honor of the holiday on the bench. Among the honored guests, the figure of the parish priest is easily guessed. On the right is the largest group – the youth. Girls in light dresses, smartly dressed guys. Played harmonica, the dance began. The whole composition fills the bright autumn sun.

Gold and copper reflect the light of the leaves on the trees. The atmosphere of the picture – a happy wait for the holiday. The greenish sky continues the fields and meadows abutting the horizon. Wooden huts, pale blue, create a festive and carefree background. Soon the fun will begin.

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