The sea by Arkhip Kuinji

The sea by Arkhip Kuinji

Kuindzhi was called the singer of space and light. Plots for his later works he gives the sky, mountains and sea. “Secret” Kuindzhi consisted in the ability to create next to the real nature of his own, equally bright and magical. The artist had a sharp coloristic vision: a subtle sense of gradation of color tone gave his paintings a special expressiveness.

Arkhip Ivanovich considered the sea one of the most difficult tasks for the painter. The artist tried to catch the game of a chameleon-sea, but was not satisfied with his work…

The result of his long contemplations on the coast of the Crimean coast were dozens of sketches of the sea, written there. In these sketches, the line of his search for the transmission of an even, creeping wave motion in a rhythmic race that rushes towards the viewer is noticeable.

In the picture “The Sea” you can feel the possession of space, the prospect of air, so consonant with the ideas of impressionism. It is no accident that Alexander Benois gives the artist a place in the history of our painting “similar to the one that belongs to Claude Monet in France” …

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