The figure in the mirror by Francis Bacon

The figure in the mirror by Francis Bacon

Painting Bacon is always on the verge of risk, expressive and improvisational.

With his brush, Bacon turns people into freaks, one-eyed, armless, chopped monsters. Magma bodies: neither animals, nor humans – lonely plastered figures. In the picture of Francis Bacon “Figure in the Mirror” is depicted an ugly creature on a table in the middle of a pink room. If you’ve been to the zoo, you’ll all seem familiar: face, gestures – you saw it in a cage with a monkey. In the mirror reflects the figure of a respectable gentleman.

You can think about which of them is more real: or the person whose reflection we see is, in fact, a rough monkey, or, as is often the case, a completely worthless creature, curving in front of a mirror, sees himself as a respected and respectable man.