The Eagle Tearing Prometheus by Jacob Jordaens

The Eagle Tearing Prometheus by Jacob Jordaens

Painting by artist Jacob Jordaens “Eagle, tormenting Prometheus.” The size of the picture is 245 x 178 cm, canvas, oil. This picture of the Flemish painter is also known under the names “Chained Prometheus” and “Prometheus”. According to Greek legends, when people were left without fire, the protector of their Prometheus kidnapped him from the hearth of Zeus and transferred to people.

For this Zeus decided to take revenge on people by the creation of Pandora’s woman, who became the culprit of all human misfortunes and misfortunes, and Prometheus chained in the mountains to a granite rock. However, later Prometheus was destined to reconcile with Zeus thanks to Hercules, who killed the eagle, who arrived in the day to peck the liver of Prometheus, and freed the son of the titan Yapet and Klymena. The myth of Prometheus is reflected in the work of great poets – Goethe, Byron, Shelley.

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