Silence by Alexander Laktionov

Silence by Alexander Laktionov

A. I. Laktionov: “Silence” – this is the name of the canvas, which I have been writing for the fifth year. Let me tell you how this topic originated in me. Many of you are happy owners of kids, and all of you, especially city dads and mothers, know how much cares with kids in the summer. So here, when summer is approaching, worries begin, where to take the guys, and I have neither few nor many, seven.

In the summer of 1958, our friends advised us to go to the shore of the gentle Amber Sea in the small Lithuanian town of Palanga. He came, looked around and was taken aback: I did not expect to see such a mighty, virgin nature in the miniature Baltic.

Wonderful greens, wondrous good sun. At home, it does not always spoil us sinners. It was in these shady groves-parks that I looked at the scene, which excited me deeply. The eternal theme is mother and child. In this landscape, I wanted to show calm joy, happiness, silence “. Magazine” Spark “

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