All-Terrain Train by Claude Monet

All Terrain Train by Claude Monet

“Train in the countryside” by Claude Monet takes the viewer into a world of greenery and rural silence. The work is unique, not only belonging to the artist’s brush, but in terms of the composition of the palette, where there are many green flowers of all shades. I want to talk about him separately and a lot. As you know, Monet was the founder of impressionism in Europe. Artistic techniques of this direction were based on the use of a spectrum of six colors, with the exception of blue, and the contrast of their overlay.

However, the countryside, to which Oscar Claude turned, has nothing to do with the contrast, as such, but plays an increase in green, its cooling, bleaching and blending with other paints. This is the early Monet, still remembering the instructions of Buden – his teacher, about landscape painting from life, the one that cannot be “… repeated in the studio.” Here, in a glade, a lot of grass is the color of early apple and asparagus.

The dark olive green of thin trees plays with highlights on pure foliage, these highlights are almost white and given in gold. The forest that separates the lonely place from the railway bridge is registered in rich greens mixed with midnight blue paint. He stands a thick wall, cool and concealing some secrets. The same train, rather a locomotive, which is devoted to the name of the picture, like Monet sketched in the last turn.

Even people, ladies with umbrellas – meringues are interspersed here later. Bat can, they were not there at all. Their silhouettes are spotted in bright spots across the picture, enlivening the rural summer nap. In addition to human silhouettes, the iron car on the bridge lives its own life. It has open trailers, flying into the unknown under the scorching sun. There is still steam, pulling clubs into a transparent blue sky. Summer… “The train in the countryside” is a sample of a mixture of technical progress with the peaceful life of the villagers, who know only carts, carts and gigs.

The locomotive burst into the green heat with a long gray ribbon that carefree ladies do not see. Only the sound of the clattering wheels breaks the silence caused by the calm and the quiet cooing of the friends. This is too ripe, summer, green leaf, written off from the real picture of the life of the French village. There is a lot of truth and fresh colors typical of virgin nature. She was unmistakably conveyed by young Monet.

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