Road in the forest by Meindert Hobbema

Road in the forest by Meindert Hobbema

The main task, set by the Dutch landscape painters of the XVII century, was the transfer of the light-and-air environment, in which the image of man and nature unites, a poetic image of the world is transmitted. One of the major masters of this genre was Meindert Hobbema. His painting “The Road in the Forest” gives the impression of directly seen in the life of the scene.

Some dramatic features give it the alarming outlines of huge trees and the restless play of light and shade. The canvas is written in the last period of creativity. The artistic mastery of Hobbema is manifested here in its entirety. Any corner of the landscape is interesting to consider. Almost miniature painting details each detail, but on the whole, a generalized, synthetic image of nature is created on the canvas.

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