Portrait of Peter the Great by Andrei Matveyev

Portrait of Peter the Great by Andrei Matveyev

Peter, the son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina, was born on May 30, 1672. When he was not yet four years old, in January 1676, his father died, and Peter was raised by his mother, Tsarina Natalia. April 27, 1682, the elder brother of Peter Tsar Fedor died.

Stormy events followed his death: the proclamation of Peter as tsar, bypassing his older brother Ivan, the intrigue of Tsarevna Sophia, the Strelets insurrection, the beating of boyars, the establishment of dual power and the proclamation of Sophia as ruler of the state. After that, Natalya Naryshkina together with her son left Moscow for Preobrazhenskoye, the beloved village near Moscow of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

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