Portrait of MI Alekseeva by Karl Bryullov

Portrait of MI Alekseeva by Karl Bryullov

By the expression of the person, inspired by the inspiration and subtlety of pictorial mastery, the portrait of MI Alekseeva occupies one of the first places in Briullov’s legacy. Biography of Alexeyeva is not replete with interesting life episodes. But her whole appearance breathes such poetry and sublimity of feelings that the image is the embodiment of the perfect ideal of female beauty.

The image of Alekseeva, with her delicate face framed by magnificent curls, the grace of the figure, the graceful movements of her hands, which hold the mantilla, which fell from her shoulders, are consonant with the silence and peace of the brooding park. With great skill, a figure in the oval is inscribed. The art of the oval portrait was brilliantly owned by Rokotov and Levitsky. Bryullov was a worthy successor to them.

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