Portrait of a Woman by Hans Holbein

Portrait of a Woman by Hans Holbein

In 1516-1529 Holbein intensively worked also on book ornamentation, performing many titles, vignettes, frames, initials for humanistic, and later reformist literature. In them he acts as a first-class decorator, who knows perfectly well the classical ornament, and at the same time as a draftsman who is fluent in the art of depicting a naked body.

The art of Holbein as a decorator attracted the attention of his contemporaries.. The earliest custom-made work of the artist of this kind was the painting of the table top, on the surface of which a number of amusing everyday scenes and allegorical images are presented. Between 1521 and 1530 years. Holbein executed several monumental wall paintings commissioned by the city authorities of Basel and some residents of Basel and Lucerne.

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