Portrait of Dorothea Cannegisser by Hans Holbein

Portrait of Dorothea Cannegisser by Hans Holbein

Hans Holbein the Younger, at the beginning of the creative path in Basel, wrote two excellent portraits – the banker, later the mayor of Basel, Jacob Mayer and his wife – Dorothea Meyer. In them the artist depicted energetic people of the Swiss Renaissance, clever, thorough, full of burgher pride, ease and humanity.

How much grace and tender thoughtfulness in this woman. She sits without moving, but full of grace. Her clothes reflect the social position of a very well-to-do burgher family, the texture of the material is delicately transferred, the embroidery is simply tangible, the convex stitch is made of silk threads and the finest lace is all in the power of the young brilliant artist. This portrait of a young, beautiful and kind woman reflects the era in all the details of clothing, interior.

This young, self-starting artist Hans Holbein the Younger is all power: the technique is impeccable, the drawing is ideal, but the main thing is this divine gift to convey the spiritual state of a person and his essence. Here – calmness, confidence and kindness. In the future, on the faces of the heroes, we will read the whole drama of their life, their eyes will tell about the lived and unforgettable tragedy or irreplaceable loss.

And on this portrait of a young, beautiful and kind woman, the era is reflected. From a woman it’s impossible to tear off a look – so much harmony and peace in it. And what a thin, deep and rich color scheme. All shades of brown are shaded with gold embroidery and a delicate beige cloth. Neutral blue background excellently enhances this exquisite range.

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