Lake Genisaret by Vasily Polenov

A contemporary and friend of Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov entered Russian painting as the creator of landscapes filled with “true, subtle musical lyricism and the

The patient by Vasily Polenov

The picture was conceived by Polenov in 1873 under the impression of being acquainted in Rome with Elizaveta Boguslavskaya, a Russian student who had come abroad to study, who was

Early snow by Vasily Polenov

The picture gives a wide, generalized image of the landscape of Oka. The first cover of fluffy snow lay down on the ground, smoothing its outlines, making the vast expanses

Village Turgenevo by Vasily Polenov

“Village Turgenevo” recognized by art historians one of the best landscapes in the work Polenova. The canvas clearly feels the emotional and technical relationship with the other three, the most

Old Mill by Vasily Polenov

Landscapes created by the brush of a talented painter V. Polenov, do not leave indifferent and sophisticated art lovers and ordinary viewers. An honorable place among his works is taken

Golden Autumn by Vasily Polenov

Landscape in the work of Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov held a special place. Being addicted to this genre during the years of joint internship with Repin overseas internships, subsequently, Polenov changed

Moscow Yard by Vasily Polenov

The painting “Moscow Yard” for the young artist Vasily Polenov was her debut work as a participant in the Wanderers’ Exhibitions. He did not consider the sketch written from the