Overgrown Pond by Vasily Polenov

Overgrown Pond by Vasily Polenov

The object of the image of V. Polenov was a quiet pond. The piece turned out to be quiet, lyrical, filled with light.

Painting Polenova attracts its kinship, intimacy. Indeed, the pictured pond that was lost in the shade of the trees is fascinating and seems very familiar.

The painting “Overgrown Pond” is notable for its volume and relief. A similar effect was achieved thanks to the traced diagonals. The shore of the pond, the path and the bridge – everything is basically diagonal.

Foliage and duckweed, located on the surface of the pond, create a special green cover. Against this background, the bridge and the road that hides deep in the forest attract attention. However, looking closer, the viewer finds a bench and a female silhouette in the distance. Surprisingly, the image of a person is logical and justified. The figure of the young lady is a part of nature, which emphasizes the calmness and grace of this green corner.

The picture is full of greens, juicy summer greens. Foliage, grass, pond – all done in green shades. The foreground of the picture is a bank of the pond. The artist painstakingly and with great love draws every blade of grass growing on the shore. Modest meadow flowers and herbs appear before the viewer.

The pond was also very voluminous, deep and complex in color. Its greenish-gray shade strengthens green foliage that is reflected in water, and also green leaves of water-lilies. All this gives the pond relief.

The picture is full of light, although the artist does not depict the sun or the sun’s rays, on the contrary, a piece of the sky that flashed in one of the corners of the canvas is pale. The feeling of light is given by glare on the water and foliage, the grass surface.

Turning to this canvas, the viewer seems to be immersed in an atmosphere of peace, summer relaxation, bliss, and tranquility.

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