Golden Autumn by Vasily Polenov

Golden Autumn by Vasily Polenov

Landscape in the work of Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov held a special place. Being addicted to this genre during the years of joint internship with Repin overseas internships, subsequently, Polenov changed this genre, and he also changed within it.

The main features of the master’s style are precisely in the landscape, the freshness of color, pure colors, clear drawing, carefully adjusted composition.

Presented painting “Golden Autumn” – the brightest translator “Polensky” landscape trends. The work draws in front of the viewer the bend of the full-flowing Oka, while it would not be superfluous to note a characteristic move for the artist – the organization of space with the help of an arc around which the whole composition is built.

The success of the work is due to the personal preferences of the author – as you know, he was very fond of autumn, and Oka was his favorite place of rest and contemplation. That is why the work of the artist breathes tranquility, admiration and peace.

Dressed in gold, autumn birches are in harmony with the bluish smooth surface of the river, the endless sky with scanty clouds, and, of course, with the mighty green oak that has fluffed up its leaves. The creator of the so-called “intimate” landscape, Polenov, endlessly admired Russian nature, glorified it and praised it, as evidenced by the personal correspondence of the master with his wife and friends. But even without written confirmations, the love for the Russian landscape of the artist is obvious – it is in a unique composition, carefully written out details, freshness of flowers and endless free space.

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